What a day!

Today was crazy. Went diving as usual, but today was much more difficult. In the end, it was a blast though!  I'm winding down the day by spending a few with the children. Tomorrow involves sleeping in (for the last time) and enjoying my last free day for a very loooong time :(

Job Announcement

In case anyone hasn't heard yet, I am no longer un-employed (which in these times and something to give Praise to the Good Lord for!). As of this coming Monday, I will be working for Albemarle Hospital as a Lab Courier. My mom used to have this position a couple of years ago. I am very excited to begin working, however I will undoubtely miss my free time, and all the time get to spend with my babies on a daily basis. But, with the new move, spending more time with them after work should make my life, and theirs, much easier. I do have to go pack for tomorrow, as I must leave early for the aquarium. Last week, we were able to take some underwater pictures. Below is one of me that turned out very well! ( and YES, that IS a shark behind me!)

A Beginner's Post

Please, bear with me all, as I'm new to this blogging thing. Today was spent mostly tooling around on the internet and finally cleaning out sunroom. Mom and I moved the buns into the sunroom (4 story condo and all), so now they have a wonderful breeze with the screens open, tons of room to hop around, and, of course, a perfect view of the river. What lucky buns!!